IoticAgent.Datatypes module

Constants to hide XSD Datatypes used by Point Values These help to describe the data in a feed so the receiving Thing can know what kind of data to expect

See also

IoticAgent.Datatypes.BASE64 = 'base64Binary'

Represents a sequence of binary octets (bytes) encoded according to RFC 2045, the standard defining the MIME types (look under “6.8 Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding”).

IoticAgent.Datatypes.BOOLEAN = 'boolean'

A Boolean true or false value. Representations of true are “true” and “1”; false is denoted as “false” or “0”.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.BYTE = 'byte'

A signed 8-bit integer in the range [-128 -> +127]. Derived from the short datatype.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.DATE = 'date'

Represents a specific date. The syntax is the same as that for the date part of dateTime, with an optional time zone indicator. Example: “1889-09-24”.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.DATETIME = 'dateTime'

ss followed by an optional time-zone suffix.

YYYY is the year, MM is the month number, DD is the day number, hh the hour in 24-hour format, mm the minute, and ss the second (a decimal and fraction are allowed for the seconds part).

The optional zone suffix is either “Z” for Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), or a time offset of the form “[+|-]hh:mm”, giving the difference between UTC and local time in hours and minutes.

Example: “2004-10-31T21:40:35.5-07:00” is a time on Halloween 2004 in Mountain Standard time. The equivalent UTC would be “2004-11-01T04:40:35.5Z”.

Type:Represents a specific instant of time. It has the form YYYY-MM-DDThh
IoticAgent.Datatypes.DECIMAL = 'decimal'

Any base-10 fixed-point number. There must be at least one digit to the left of the decimal point, and a leading “+” or “-” sign is allowed. Examples: “42”, “-3.14159”, “+0.004”.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.DOUBLE = 'double'

A 64-bit floating-point decimal number as specified in the IEEE 754-1985 standard. The external form is the same as the float datatype.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.DURATION = 'duration'

Represents a duration of time, as a composite of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The syntax of a duration value has these parts:

If the duration is negative, it starts with “-“.

A capital “P” is always included.

If the duration has a years part, the number of years is next, followed by a capital “Y”.

If there is a months part, it is next, followed by capital “M”.

If there is a days part, it is next, followed by capital “D”.

If there are any hours, minutes, or seconds in the duration, a capital “T” comes next; otherwise the duration ends here.

If there is an hours part, it is next, followed by capital “H”.

If there is a minutes part, it is next, followed by capital “M”.

If there is a seconds part, it is next, followed by capital “S”. You can use a decimal point and fraction to specify part of a second.

Missing parts are assumed to be zero. Examples: “P1347Y” is a duration of 1347 Gregorian years; “P1Y2MT2H5.6S” is a duration of one year, two months, two hours, and 5.6 seconds.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.FLOAT = 'float'

A 32-bit floating-point decimal number as specified in the IEEE 754-1985 standard. Allowable values are the same as in the decimal type, optionally followed by an exponent, or one of the special values “INF” (positive infinity), “-INF” (negative infinity), or “NaN” (not a number).

The exponent starts with either “e” or “E”, optionally followed by a sign, and one or more digits.

Example: “6.0235e-23”.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.ID = 'ID'

A unique identifier as in the ID attribute type from the XML standard. Derived from the NCName datatype.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.INT = 'int'

Represents a 32-bit signed integer in the range [-2,147,483,648, 2,147,483,647]. Derived from the long datatype.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.INTEGER = 'integer'

Represents a signed integer. Values may begin with an optional “+” or “-” sign. Derived from the decimal datatype.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.LANGUAGE = 'language'

“fj” for Fijian. Derived from the token type. RFC 1766 :

Type:One of the standardized language codes defined in RFC 1766. Example
IoticAgent.Datatypes.LONG = 'long'

A signed, extended-precision integer; at least 18 digits are guaranteed. Derived from the integer datatype.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.STRING = 'string'

Any sequence of zero or more characters.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.TIME = 'time'

A moment of time that repeats every day. The syntax is the same as that for dateTime, omitting everything up to and including the separator “T”. Examples: “00:00:00” is midnight, and “13:04:00” is an hour and four minutes after noon.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.UNSIGNED_BYTE = 'unsignedByte'

An unsigned 8-bit integer in the range [0, 255]. Derived from the unsignedShort datatype.

IoticAgent.Datatypes.URI = 'anyURI'

The data must conform to the syntax of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), as defined in RFC 2396 as amended by RFC 2732. Example: “” is the URI for the New Mexico Tech Computer Center’s index page.