IoticAgent.IOT.Point module

Wrapper object for Iotic Points.

Points are come in two types:

  • Feed’s where they output data from a Thing
  • Control’s where they are a way of sending data to a Thing
class IoticAgent.IOT.Point.Control(client, lid, pid, guid)

Bases: IoticAgent.IOT.Point.Point

Controls are where a Thing invites others to send it data. Controls can be used to activate some hardware, reset counters, change reporting intervals - pretty much anything you want to change the state of a Thing. Controls are many-to-one.

class IoticAgent.IOT.Point.Feed(client, lid, pid, guid)

Bases: IoticAgent.IOT.Point.Point

Feeds are advertised when a Thing has data to share. They are for out-going data which will get shared with any remote Things that have followed them. Feeds are one-to-many.


Retrieves statistics and configuration about recent storage for this Feed.

Returns:QAPI recent info function payload
    "maxSamples": 0,
    "count": 0
  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure

Get new IoticAgent.IOT.PointValueHelper module PointDataObject instance to use for sharing data.


Update/configure recent data settings for this Feed. If the container does not support recent storage or it is not enabled for this owner, this function will have no effect.

Parameters:max_samples (int, optional) – How many shares to store for later retrieval. If not supported by container, this argument will be ignored. A value of zero disables this feature whilst a negative value requests the maximum sample store amount.
Returns:QAPI recent config function payload
    "maxSamples": 0
  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure
share(data, mime=None, time=None)

Share some data from this Feed

  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure
  • data – The data you want to share
  • time (datetime) – UTC time for this share. If not specified, the container’s time will be used. Thus it makes almost no sense to specify datetime.utcnow() here. This parameter can be used to indicate that the share time does not correspond to the time to which the data applies, e.g. to populate recent storage with historical data.
  • mime (string) – The mime type of the data you’re sharing. There are some Iotic Labs-defined default values.

“idx/1” corresponds to “application/ubjson” - the recommended way to send mixed data. Share a python dictionary as the data and the agent will to the encoding and decoding for you.

data = {}
data["temperature"] = self._convert_to_celsius(
# ...etc...

“idx/2” Corresponds to “text/plain” - the recommended way to send textual data. Share a utf8 string as data and the agent will pass it on, unchanged.

my_feed.share(u"string data")
“text/xml” or any other valid mime type. To show the recipients that
you’re sending something more than just bytes
my_feed.share("<xml>...</xml>".encode('utf8'), mime="text/xml")
share_async(data, mime=None, time=None)
class IoticAgent.IOT.Point.Point(client, lid, pid, guid)

Bases: IoticAgent.IOT.Resource.Resource


Create tags for a Point in the language you specify. Tags can only contain alphanumeric (unicode) characters and the underscore. Tags will be stored lower-cased.

  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure

tags (list) – The list of tags you want to add to your Point, e.g. [“garden”, “soil”]

create_value(label, vtype, lang=None, description=None, unit=None)

Create a value on this Point. Values are descriptions in semantic metadata of the individual data items you are sharing (or expecting to receive, if this Point is a control). This will help others to search for your feed or control. If a value with the given label (and language) already exists, its fields are updated with the provided ones (or unset, if None).

  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure
  • label (string) – The label for this value e.g. “Temperature”. The label must be unique for this Point. E.g. You can’t have two data values called “Volts” but you can have “volts1” and “volts2”.
  • lang (string, optional) – The two-character ISO 639-1 language code to use for the description. None means use the default language for your agent. See IoticAgent.IOT.Config module
  • (xsd (vtype) – datatype): The datatype of the data you are describing, e.g. dateTime. We recommend you use a Iotic Labs-defined constant from IoticAgent.Datatypes module
  • description (string, optional) – The longer descriptive text for this value.
  • unit (ontology url, optional) – The url of the ontological description of the unit of your value. We recommend you use a constant from IoticAgent.Units module
# example with no units as time is unit-less
                     "time of reading")
# example with a unit from the Units class
                     "Fish-tank temperature in celsius",

Delete tags for a Point in the language you specify. Case will be ignored and any tags matching lower-cased will be deleted.

  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure

tags (list) – The list of tags you want to delete from your Point, e.g. [“garden”, “soil”]


Delete the labelled value (or all values) on this Point

  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure

label (string, optional) – The label for the value you want to delete. If not specified, all values for this point will be removed.


Whether this Point is a feed or control. String of either “feed” or “control”


Get the metadata object for this Point

Returns:A IoticAgent.IOT.PointMeta module PointMeta object


  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure

Get the metadata for this Point in rdf fmt

Advanced users who want to manipulate the RDF for this Point directly without the IoticAgent.IOT.PointMeta module PointMeta)helper object

Returns:The RDF in the format you specify.


  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure

fmt (string, optional) – The format of RDF you want returned. Valid formats are: “xml”, “n3”, “turtle”


The local id of the Thing that advertises this Point. This is unique to you on this container.

list(limit=50, offset=0)

List all the values on this Point.


QAPI list function payload

  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure
  • limit (integer, optional) – Return this many value details
  • offset (integer, optional) – Return value details starting at this offset

List followers for this point, i.e. remote follows for feeds and remote attaches for controls.

Returns:QAPI subscription list function payload
    "<Subscription GUID 1>": "<GUID of follower1>",
    "<Subscription GUID 2>": "<GUID of follower2>"
  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure
  • limit (integer, optional) – Return this many value details
  • offset (integer, optional) – Return value details starting at this offset
list_tag(limit=50, offset=0)

List all the tags for this Point

Returns:List of tags, as below


  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure
  • limit (integer, optional) – Return at most this many tags
  • offset (integer, optional) – Return tags starting at this offset

Point id - the local id of this Point. This is unique to you on this container. Think of it as a nickname for the Point


Rename the Point.

  • IOTException – Infrastructure problem detected
  • LinkException – Communications problem between you and the infrastructure

new_pid (string) – The new local identifier of your Point

set_meta_rdf(rdf, fmt='n3')

Set the metadata for this Point in rdf fmt

class IoticAgent.IOT.Point.PointDataObject(values, value_filter)

Bases: object

Represents a point data reading or template for filling in values, ready to be e.g. shared. NOT threadsafe.


True if no values have been set yet.

filter_by(text=(), types=(), units=(), include_unset=False)

Return subset of values which match the given text, types and/or units. For a value to be matched, at least one item from each specified filter category has to apply to a value. Each of the categories must be specified as a sequence of strings. If include_unset is set, unset values will also be considered.


List of values which do not have a value set yet


Converts the set of values into a dictionary. Unset values are excluded.


Unsets all values


List of all values